Monday, October 24, 2011

I LOVE to shop! (for food)

Call me weird, but I get a sort of "high" when I walk in to Trader Joe's to do some food shopping. Everything is so colorful and healthy, yummy-looking and reasonably priced that I just want to buy the whole store! Obviously, I restrain. Today I went in with a grocery list in order to avoid impulse buying. 

Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Avocados
Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Celery

Kashi Cereal, Egg Whites, Hummus, Greek Yogurt, Almond Milk, Black Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Kidney Beans


  1. I was waiting to see how much you ended up spending :) next time post the receipt. lol
    So K n I started today we were doing alright but then I was missing something so i had a bowl of cereal (which i never do) and she followed. Im such a bad role model, but it felt great all day until the stupid bowl of cereal.

  2. I will next time! I spent $39 and it will last me a week and a half, if not more. Also, I still have Kashi cereal in the morning! Cereals with whole grains and unrefined, unbleached flour is okay!!

  3. O thats great i love kashi cereal. Breakfast is my hardest meal because im not big on eggs. I wish there was a trader joes here.
